Almost Useless Trivia

Can you name the answers to these 40 general knowledge questions in 4 minutes?

Classic Type in answers that appear in a list
Venison is a name given to the meat of which animal?
In which year did the first man set foot on the moon?
The Eiffel Tower is found in which European capital city?
Which of these three words is a palindrome: boater, motor, rotor?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
Which singer first (and most famously) sang 'Jailhouse Rock'?
Which franchise has characters called Pikachu, Charizard and Mewtwo?
The armistice ending World War I came in what year?
What is the capital city of Greece?
What is the first book of the Hebrew Bible?
Canberra is the capital city of which country?
Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio starred in what James Cameron film?
A 'Bloody Mary' cocktail contains which alcoholic spirit?
Which city hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics?
'Animal Farm' was written by which author?
'Poker Face,' 'Just Dance' and 'Bad Romance' are all hit singles by which artist?
Who was the first President of the United States?
Michael Jeffrey Jordan became famous as a great player of which sport?
The country Gabon is found on which continent?
Who wrote the play 'Romeo and Juliet'?
Which author wrote the novel 'Catch-22'?
A 'nappy' is the British equivalent of which American word?
Which star of the film 'Rebel Without a Cause' died at the age of 24?
The positive square root of 36 is...?
Which planet is the sixth planet from the sun?
What is the Japanese word for 'harbour wave'?
Which is the only sign of the zodiac to begin with the letter 'T'?
Who won the FIFA World Cup in 2010?
Boston is the capital city of which US State?
The adjective 'canine' refers to which animal?
Which of the Earth's oceans is the largest?
What animated 2010 film was the largest grossing movie of the year?
What does the acronym 'KFC' stand for?
Who sang the 1980s hit song 'Billie Jean'?
Maggie, Lisa and Marge are part of which famous TV family?
Which chemical element has the symbol Au?
How many sides does a pentagon have?
Pythagoras' Theorem is a theorem concerning which shape?
In which century did the American Civil War take place?
Name either letter that is worth 10 points in English Scrabble

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