Ends with 'X' (Four Letters)

Can you name the four letter words and names that end with X?

Classic Type in answers that appear in a list
A deception or fraud, often of a large scale
Beloved former Jeopardy host Trebek
A curse that causes minor misfortunes
The bobcat is the smallest species of this feline genus
Many soccer teams (and a cleanser) share a name with this Trojan War hero
Linseed, or Michael Scott's Holly
Harpo, Karl or Richard
Theatre for viewing massive motion pictures
Protestant reformer John or rockabilly singer Buddy
The river that forms the boundary between Earth and Hades in Greek Mythology
Quartzite mineral, mostly banded but often pure black
Silly Rabbit, this cereal is for kids
Wild mountain goat with large, backwardly-curving horns
Persuade, perhaps with a small bribe
Saucy, impudent young girl
One won an Emmy in 1972, another won an Oscar in 2005
This cereal comes in many varieties,
including Corn, Cinnamon and Chocolate
Rate of flow, for energy and fluids
Cat breed known for being tail-less
'One Thing Leads To Another' for this '80s band
To tense one's muscles
Memphis record label that was home to Booker T and The MGs, Sam & Dave, Otis Redding and other 60s soul stars
Highest point of a triangle, or a mountain
The central point of a matter, or the Southern Cross
Chocolate Bar from Mars, packaged in pairs

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