Harry Potter Characters by Limerick

Can you name the Harry Potter character described by each limerick?

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LimerickCharacter Name
I live out in the woods in a hut
I’m really a bit of a nut
I raise dragons and skrewts
I hang out with brutes
And my mother’s a giant, so what?
A wizarding force in my day
I wanted Tom Riddle to pay
But then Snape did me in
And now I’m a has-been
It turns out all along I was gay
I have a strong urge to expound
On the way I was easily downed
In dueling I failed
And I sailed through the Veil
I should have just stayed as a hound
I thought J.K. thought I was swell
She was just biding time 'til I fell
She ended my life
With Lestrange's thrown knife
I guess I'll see Rowling in hell!
Im a redheaded dude with a ‘tude
It’s my brother who really got screwed
Snape blasted my ear
But at least I’m still here
My twin is the one who’s worm food
You knew I would be in this quiz
These books are about me, gee whiz
Well here's a huge hint
My best friend is Grint
I think you can guess who this is
Look, am I really that bad?
I'm less of a jerk than my dad
I played Harry's foil
Just like Crabbe and Goyle
I'm the number one Slytherin cad
LimerickCharacter Name
On film I’m a strapping young buck
In the books I walk like a duck
I’m the world’s best seeker
But not a great speaker
And Hermy-own-ninny I’d like to date
My hair’s pulled up tight in a bun
I turn into a cat just for fun
I don’t take students’ crap
So sit down, shut your trap
Because I’ve got a classroom to run
I’ve got less than a widow’s mite
My dress robes a terrible sight
I play second fiddle
In Potter v. Riddle
But I’m sleeping with Granger tonight
The Prophet prints nothing but ill
Of the people I quote with my quill
A bug getting news
Granger outed my ruse
Blackmailed me and told me to chill
My spell casting skills are quite keen
My library visits routine
I’ve got bushy hair
I’m totally square
I’m the brightest witch you’ve ever seen
If you’re looking for evil I’m it
But I really screwed up, to wit
I tried to kill Harry
He used love to parry
I instead killed myself like a git
The Marauders consider me weak
Am I a man or a mouse? Squeak, squeak!
Ratted on James and Lily
I guess that was silly
And now I’m a one-handed freak

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