Life-less Body Parts

Can you name these random body parts that have had the letters L, I, F and E removed to bring them back to life?

Classic Type in answers that appear in a list
Body Part without L-I-F-EAnswer
A P P _ N D _ X
C O C H _ _ A
_ _ B O W
_ Y _
_ _ M U R
_ _ N G _ R
G A _ _ B _ A D D _ R
G _ U T _ U S / M A X _ M U S
K _ D N _ Y
_ _ _ T / V _ N T R _ C _ _
Body Part without L-I-F-EAnswer
_ _ V _ R
M A N D _ B _ _
N O S T R _ _
P A T _ _ _ A
P _ T U _ T A R Y / G _ A N D
P U P _ _
S K U _ _
S M A _ _ / _ N T _ S T _ N _
S P _ _ _ N
V _ _ N

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