Multi-Category Language Blitz

Can you name the answers to these language questions?

Classic Type in answers that appear in a list
Begins with P
It takes the place of a noun 
What an apostrophe can be used to show 
Rendering 'cough' as kawf or kof, for example 
The word class that includes in, on, to and from 
The official language of Mozambique, Angola, and Cabo Verde  
Four Letter Language
A person, place, thing, or idea  
Nominative, accusative, or genitive, for example 
The national language and lingua franca of Pakistan 
It represents P in the standard NATO phonetic alphabet 
The unit of meaning made from grouping one or more letters  
Two-Word Latin Phrases
'My fault,' as in a formal apology 
'With honor,' as in a graduation ceremony 
'After death', as in an investigation/autopsy 
'At the man,' as in the logical fallacy of insults 
'Seize the day,' as in Horace/Dead Poets Society quotes 
English Words of Russian Origin
Really big, or a shaggy elephant 
A white species of whale, or a type of caviar 
A woman's scarf used as a hood, or an old woman 
An organized massacre, especially of Jewish people 
A 40% alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented wheat mash 
Acronym/Abbrev. Words
English - Good or acceptable: 'oll korrect' 
German - Secret state police: 'geheime staatspolizei' 
English - A stimulant: 'alpha methyl phenyl ethyl + amine' 
Russian - forced labor camps: 'glavnoye upravleniye lagerej' 
English - a director of entertainment: 'master of ceremonies' 
To rig (US) electoral districts in oddly shaped ways 
A type of fuel often used by trucks or large vehicles 
A one-piece garment often worn by gymnasts or dancers 
A common food consisting of meat between two bread slices 
A drawing of a face using the outline of the person's shadow 

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