Game Details


A low-stress, high-fun game where your team debates the most popular answers given to survey questions.

  • There are two rounds with four questions each.
  • For each question, the host asks your team to come up with the most popular answer to survey questions we’ve asked a nationwide audience.
  • If you guess the most common answer, you earn 5 points. The next most common answer is worth 4 points, and so on.
  • At the end of each round, there will be a bonus question where your team will provide multiple answers. Correct responses in this round are worth two points each.
  • The game ends with two final questions. If you answer the most common answer, you earn 10 points. The second most common is worth 5 points. The third most popular is worth zero points. All other answers lose your team five points.
Example Questions
  • Regular Round: What is Madonna’s best song to date?
  • Bonus Question: What are five specific things from a pharmacy that you might find yourself running out in the middle of the night to purchase?
  • Final Question: Fill in the Blank: Social ______.

Hear what the community is saying!

Fundraiser Client
Our guests had a blast and our host helped encourage trivia players to donate to our organization.
Corporate Client
It was a fantastic way for us to engage with our coworkers/friends that we don't usually see because we're in different locations or because we've had to transition to remote work.
Friends/Family Client
Our group of 20+ dads was looking for safe weekly entertainment activities that would allow us to get together. Sporcle’s trivia events have scratched that itch.

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