Taylor Swift Songs by Lyric

Can you name the Taylor Swift songs from the lyrics?

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...hoping one of those senior boys would wink at you and say
...we're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time
...you set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
...could have loved you all my life if you hadn't left me waiting in the cold
...and when I got home, before I said amen, asking God if he could play it again
...you say you're fine I know you better than that, hey whatcha doing with a girl like that
...I guess you didn't care and I guess I liked that, and when I fell hard, you took a step back
...Friday night beneath the stars, in the field behind your yard
...losing him was blue like I'd never known
...it turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
...all those other girls, well they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you?
...my daddy said stay away from Juliet
...these walls that they put up to hold us back fell down
...I can't even see anyone when he's with me
...run your hands through your hair, absent mindedly makin' me want you
...I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
...I don't think that passenger seat, has ever looked this good to me
...and I'm back for the first time since then, I'm standing on your street
...with some indie record that's much cooler than mine
...you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

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