True or False: Comets, Asteroids, and Dwarf Planets

Can you choose whether each statement about various comets, asteroids, and dwarf planets are (t)rue or (f)alse?

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Statement(T)rue or (F)alse?
Unlike most depictions, nearly all known asteroids are spherical in shape.
We have never successfully landed a manmade object on any comets.
For the first fifty years after it was discovered, Ceres was considered a planet.
Although only 5,000 or so comets have been discovered by scientists, estimates have the number in the Solar System as greater than one trillion.
There are comets in our Solar System that originated from outside of the Solar System.
Halley's Comet is the largest comet we've ever discovered.
Mickey Mouse's dog Pluto was named before (and inspired the name of) the dwarf planet.
Halley's Comet is the only comet that could potentially be seen with the naked eye twice in a person's lifetime.
The coma (atmosphere) of comets can extend out to several times the diameter of the Earth.
Despite being the farthest known dwarf planet, Makemake is warmer than all of the outer planets.
Unlike in movies, the asteroid belt is not densely packed or difficult for spacecraft to traverse.
Haumea is the only dwarf planet (besides Ceres) to always be closer to the Sun than Neptune.
Pluto's orbit is so eccentric that it will be closer to the Sun than Uranus in 2025.
More than half of the mass of the asteroid belt is located in Ceres, the largest asteroid.
The Earth's Moon is more massive and larger than every currently known dwarf planet.
By definition, asteroids MUST be no further out than Jupiter.
Pluto's largest moon, Charon, is so large relative to Pluto that some astronomers believe they should be considered a binary system.
Unlike asteroids, comets never collide with planets.
For a brief period of time, Eris was informally known as 'Xena'.
As of 2021, there are officially over seventy official dwarf planets.

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